Tobacco and Hookah

TOBACCO AND HOOKAHDoypack packages are among the prefered packaging types in these Hookah products where various types of packaging are used. THis type of packaging made with Polyester / Polyethylene…
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Sport Nutrition

SPORT NUTRITIONFlexible packaging is a modern, practical and cost-effective solution for your sports nutrition products. In today’s society, the rise of the health-conscious consumers is bringing about a spike in…
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Snack Nuts

SNACK NUTSSnack foods demand specific requirements from their packaging, not least to maintain texture, flavour and the overall feeling of freshness over relatively long periods. So these requirements may include…
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Pet Food

PET FOODMany new pet owners are making life and dietary choices for their pets based around their own choices leading to a surge in new product launches compared to five…
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Instant Beverages

INSTANT BEVERAGESThe development of the beverage industry for soft drinks, shelf-stable items and water is paralleled by the development of suitable packaging that provides physical support for the product in…
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Frozen Food

FROZEN FOODFlexible packaging designed to contain frozen food should provide supreme product safety throughout its whole shelf life. The materials we use are specifically conditioned for extreme frost and package…
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DRYFOODWhether it’s pasta, soup mix, rice, or mashed potatoes, Ahem’s dry food packaging bags are perfect for a wide range of dry ingredient products. No matter what type of food…
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Dairy Products

DAIRY PRODUCTSFlexible packaging comes into its own when looking at more dairy products, providing a wide range of options and formats. These include butter wraps and lidding solutions; pouches and…
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CONFECTIONARYCandy, chocolates, and other sweet treats are referred to as confectionary products. Flexible packaging is ideal for these items as it is able to help maintain the products freshness for…
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BEVERAGESLiquids and beverages are notoriously tricky to package. These products require packaging that can be successfully filled, stored, transported, displayed, purchased, used, and disposed of, all while retaining the product’s…
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